Sunday, October 6, 2024

Bridge the Gap


Purpose and overview

 A big percentage of students at Sunga and other wards in Lushoto district are at low level of education (primary education). It is approximated that 87% received primary education, 8% receive secondary education but there is huge problem which make most students after join secondary level fail to finish Ordinary level. 

After three years of our research, we observed that those students whose did standard seven exams their parents are unable to pay tuition fees for pre form one course program for three months. This program helps most of pupils to bridge the gap from Kiswahili medium of instruction in primary level for all subject to English language medium of instruction in secondary level. 

A big percentage of families live under low-level of living standard, so after finish standard seven [primary level] Their parents fail to bring them to the PRE FORM ONE ORIENTATION COURSE PROGRAM

However, some children are bright and deserve this program but they are ending up at mass failure in form two National Assessment [FTNA] due various reason in Government schools after joining such as Unconducive learning environment, Teaching style, Distance from schools, Domestic work, Poverty, corporal punishment, pregnancy, poor performance and among Other. However, another reason for poor performance to most students in Sunga ward is imbalance between domestic works and self-studies. Students need time for their self-preparation, after school time. 

This is so different in this ward because after school time students in the evening engaging in domestic works such as feeding animals, collecting firewood, farming cooking, among others. The situation makes most of the students get terrible tired a thing which causes poor self-preparation. A distance is another key factor that discourages students’ success; in some areas students must walk some kilometers to get the schools. No transports that facilitate the home


Upendo secondary school situated in Sunga ward is agricultural private school established in 2001. It is a boarding and day school with conducive environment for the students to learn and success. The school with capacity of accommodating approximately 450 students, both boys and girls.

Aim of the project

The aim of the project is to improve education in the community of Sunga and other ward in Lushoto district. This is by requesting some donors to provide some students with scholarships via Upendo secondary school. Moreover, reducing the number of dropouts by raising the level of development in Lushoto and other communities near Sunga through education that will liberate the community members in terms of social, economic cultural activities.

Problem statement

This is not the first bridge the gap program by Upendo secondary school. In some years back, the school was receiving some sponsored students from around Sunga ward and various Tanzanian regions that was living under poor condition, orphanage, and disabilities. Some of the sponsors were individual while others were organizations like NGO’s, foundations, and companies. It is observed that some children are very bright, and they deserve to get bridge from primary level education to secondary level. However, their parents are failing to bring them in Pre form one orientation due to low living standard, some orphans lack opportunity and right to education, some children are originated from the villages situated a quit distance from where the schools found. Some children with physical disabilities need comfortable learning environment that encourage their success. It is evidenced that some orphans are being discouraged by the caretaker they are living with. This is one of the terribly serious issues that draw our attention in writing this proposal. However, all these efforts are to pave the smooth path for the future generation that would for the wellbeing of the community. It is believed that the health community is that one whose people are well educated. The wellbeing of the any future generation is powered by education that will enable them to solve their own social, economic, culture, political problems.

Solution to the problem

This year we started with 60 students sponsored by MamboSteunPunt. Another 10 were sent and paid by their parents. The project is involving a day school [ they come morning and live in the evening] students because it is short time project depending on various factor and criterion set. The project will solve the mass failure; dropping out to those students will receive this project.

Contribute to the project

To facilitate one student is $ 25,- only.

If you want to support this program you can donate via

Thank you in advance

Juma Tup
Headmaster Upendo

with thanks to MamboSteunPunt

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