By working for approximately 2 hours each day, they now each earn, after subtracting the costs of making their product, about 1,600 Tanzanian shillings. This will make a SIGNIFICANT difference to how they can feed and educate their children. It also, very importantly, places value on women's work. And how much is that for us Westerners? Well a daily wage for unskilled labour in the Usambaras is Ts 3000, skilled labour Ts 5000. Ts 1,600 is worth approximately ONE dollar. Just one dollar makes a Hugh difference to a family's welfare. Incredible.
My conclusion is, we all need to know that even by giving very little, we can make a Hugh difference. The need is great, the moral imperative is even greater. | |||||||||
Africa can be wonderful, vibrant and somehow peaceful and happy whilst suffering terribly from scourges such as AIDS, corruption, appalling health problems, and of course grinding poverty. But people are resourceful, courageous, determined - once given the opportunity. It is possible to enjoy the beauty, but equally impossible to ignore what needs to be changed, what we can give. If you get the chance, do go. You will not regret it. | |||||||||
PS The 'swiss cheesmaker' is meant to read swiss cheese (PAUSE) maker! Yes, I am sensitive about my origins being misrepresented and do not disavow them!! I guess Australian swiss cheese maker was just too much for Herman the Dutch writer of the web site. By the way, have a look at www.MamboViewPoint.org particularly at the PROJECTS drop down menu. You might find something you can offer. Hope all is well. Best Wishes, Julian |
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